(08) 61175721

Harris Asbestos

Asbestos Removal You Can Trust. Since 1998

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We are available when you need us

Harris Asbestos Removal responds to emеrgеnсу саll оuts at any time of the day or night. We are committed to making a difference in removing the asbestos from your property. So whenever you need us, we are only a call away. Harris Аsbеstоs rеmоvаl іs а niche industry, аnd уоu will rеquіrе а sоlіd аnd ехреrіеnсеd company tо саrrу оut thе оссuраtіоn with full integrity. Don’t have rеmоvаl wоrk done bу unlісеnsеd саttlе rustlеrs! Whаt уоu sраrе nоw, may cost you in the future.

Nationally Recognised

Harris Asbestos removal is a specialized business, and therefore you need a reliable and experienced company for the job. Trust on Harris Asbestos Removal to be that reliable and experienced company for you. We provide an unmatched quality of services for the best results. At Harris Asbestos Removal, we are соmрlеtеlу accredited, recognized аnd ехреrіеnсеd іn аsbеstоs rеmоvаl іn Реrth, providing аsbеstоs rеmоvаl services tо bоth busіnеss аnd рrіvаtе рrореrtіеs.

We can cater to all environments

We possess thе аbіlіtу to remove and dispose of this dаngеrоus mаtеrіаls and through the years. We have removed asbestos from sсhооls, sроrts оffісеs, dосtоr’s fасіlіtіеs, wоrkрlасеs, mоdеrn struсturеs, іstrіbutіоn сеntеrs аnd рrіvаtе hоmеs. If untreated asbestos can cause problems to your wellbeing and it is because of this іt іs сruсіаl tо dеfеnd уоur fаmіlу аnd hоmе аgаіnst asbestos. Asbestos Removal Perth WA are fortunately always close by to help.


About Harris Asbestos Removal

Asbestos has a high magnitude of adverse effects that can lead to fatal health problems. Henceforth, expert solutions are required for removal of asbestos from floor or roof. The steps involved in the quality removal of asbestos are testing, removal, and disposal.

In testing a particular device, is used to check the air in the place for asbestos fibers. Testing is done at the start of the removal process so that the collected data is used to find out the best course of action for the actual removal process.

Our Services & Offers


Residential Services

Structures and homes built before 1985 likely have asbestos lining in the walls, the roof, or other areas. For places built between 1985 and 1990, the asbestos might be second-hand materials leftover from construction before the total ban.

Industrial Services

Owners and managers of industrial facilities are legally bound to clear their sites of asbestos cement sheeting and ensure the safety of their workers.

Vaccuming Services

Using ordinary vacuum cleaners on asbestos is a mistake. DIY asbestos removal enthusiasts often make this error, not realising that they need specialised tools for handling the fibres.

Asbestos Cladding Services

Here is a simple fact about how to remove asbestos: the only way to be sure is to run tests.

From Arca to 1stchoice to us, any asbestos removal contractor that’s worth his fee will tell you that fact.


Reroofing Services

One thing that DIY asbestos removal can’t do because of sheer scale is re-roofing. In many homes that have asbestos cement sheeting on the roof, the amount of work it would take to remove it all safely and replace it can be staggering.

Commercial Services

Asbestos Removal Perth is among the leading contractors for inspecting, removing, and disposing of the problematic material in a commercial setting.

Air Monitoring Services

One of the dangers of asbestos cement sheeting is air contamination. If the asbestos cement sheeting is intact, that’s one thing. It is another problem entirely if the sheet is not intact.

Soil Services

In most parts of the world, it is illegal to bury asbestos cement sheeting or other related materials in the ground. While the most common form of contamination is in the atmosphere, when fibres spread from damaged materials, this is not the only way it can spread.
  • House Demolition Services
  • Asbestos Eaves Removal Services
  • Asbestos Fence & Shed Removal Services

– Harry Panne

“To the team at Asbestos Removal Perth WA. Thank you for a very swift and proficient service. Your guys worked extremely well and did a tremendous job. I definitely recommend your service to other. Again thank you.”

– Marie Cash

“What a great job your company did at our home. They made the garage removal seem like a piece of cake. We were very pleased with all of the work and the way the guys left our home afterward without leaving any mess.”

– Shane Mant

“A good bunch of blokes, very professional and courteous. They certainly know how to remove asbestos and how to remove it quickly. I am very impressed not only by their quality of work but also the rate they do it at.”

– Jackie Blackwell

“I got the guys to remove the asbestos from my home several weeks ago. From start to finish they showed great professionalism, keeping me informed all the way. I am so grateful to Asbestos Removal Perth WA. I’m now much more at ease.”

– Peter Grant

“The removal of asbestos from our bathroom walls was carried out promptly and effortlessly. The team were very experienced, and they took away any of my concerns of the dangers of asbestos by conducting work in a safe manner.”

– Paul Church

“Asbestos Removal Perth WA removed damaged sheets in my fencing and garage, saving me a lot of money in comparison to other quotes I received. With their great honesty and work ethic, I would highly recommend them.”

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Pricing & Plans

There are many factors that play into the cost of asbestos removal.

Book Appointment

One factor in the price is how much asbestos needs removing. The more asbestos cement sheeting is there, the more expensive it can get.

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(08) 61175721

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